The month of February is set aside as "Teen Violence Awareness Month."
School counselors are always available to speak with students about healthy relationships. If your child is in a relationship - or might soon be in one - please consider taking some time to speak with him or her about what a healthy relationship looks like. And, please encourage your children to utilize the 2nd Floor Youth Helpline if they ever find themselves in a situation and they need someone to speak with anonymously. Of course, our preference would always be for students to speak with their parents and school counselors, but some students might not always feel comfortable doing so. The 2nd Floor Youth Helpline is there to help teens 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. When it comes to Teen Dating Violence, we want our students to know that they are never alone and it's OK to ask for help.
Please take a look at the link below for more information about “2nd Floor.”