Wishing everyone a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you parents, students and staff for working diligently and collaboratively to start the new year. #JA Rocks #NBRocks
Happy 1st Day of school.
Welcome to Virtual Learning 2020!
Discover how to begin virtual learning.
Find technology tips, links, and videos to help you sign in to Google Meet.
NBTSchools Return to School Plan
Forms, letters, and resources
Waiver for the Remote Learning Option Due 8/7/2020Transportation Waiver due to Transportation Dept. 8/14/2020
Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunch program continues through July and August.
*Updated* Pick up locations
-High School
-John Adams
Learn more: https://www.nbtschools.org/o/north-brunswick/page/food-services--489
Middlesex County Food Organization and Outreach Distribution Services, in conjunction with the Community FoodBank of New Jersey (CFBNJ) and with contributions from Novo Nordisk, are hosting the County’s first drive-up food distribution event https://tinyurl.com/y7mmlmt5
Happy Last Day of School!! To our amazing community of students, families, faculty, adminstrators and staff, wishing you a wonderful summer!
Linwood Advanced Math 6 Program Parent Information Webinar will premier 5-28-2020 at 6 pm! Flyer link here: https://tinyurl.com/advmath6flyer
Memorial Day Elementary Art Show 2020
NBTSchools #truenorthbrunswick
Nurse Rose - On behalf of the Administrative Team, staff, students and families : Happy Nurse’s Day! We are thankful and appreciate you taking care of the JA Community. Thank you!
#JA Cares
On behalf of Mrs. Stern, Dean Kingsley and myself: Happy Teacher Appreciation Week JA Staff. We are thankful and appreciate your dedication to teaching and learning. Thank you!
The Word of the Month for April is Perseverance. Wear white on Thursday, April 23rd to show how important it is to never give up! #JAStrong
Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
We appreciate all that you do to support John Adams & the North Brunswick community.
Happy Assistant Principals Week!
Today is “National World Health Day”. Thank you to all North Brunswick nurses and all the health professionals that work tirelessly to keep us safe and healthy.
Read Across America Week kicks off with a visit from Thing 1 and Thing 2!
Next week is Read Across America Week. See attached for Spirit Week information!
Kindergarten & 1st Graders at JA celebrate the 100th Day of School!
2nd graders at JA celebrate the100th Day of School!